Blog 5: System of Perception (Josie)
Research system of perception, explain the science behind an optical illusion you find?
Josie Tiffany
Through the artistry of optical illusions, these works continue to boggle the mind of all who visualize the frustratingly, compelling mind puzzle. The essence of optical illusions is to confuse and manipulate the eyes of the viewer and to demonstrate that not all objects in life can make sense (no matter how much we want them to be). Optical illusions offer a sense of "perceivement" of what may be possible, but as you continue to go down the line thinking on the slight chance that you may have "figured out" the trick to the illusion, you end up more confused when you realize that you simply cannot make sense. This is why optical illusions have never peaked my interest due to the fact that they have no limitations of infuriating me. I simply CANNOT stand something that messes with my mind as well as something that hurts my eyes.

However there is one artist that I have grown an appreciation for as he dynamical works with material objects as well as manipulating immaterial subjects. His immaterial works are the use of light and shadows. Through mediums of either wooden numbers/letters or a simple sheet of paper, his use of casting a human figure with the aid of light and simple objects is simply amazing. The reason why his works are so successful as optical illusions are the fact that the objects that cast the shadows do not take the form of the dark cast at all! Without light and the dark cast, one could understand the art piece at its fullest. For instance, it can be seen in the first few pictures that the number blocks represent the facial features of a man or a little boy. His positioning of the light as well as the careful placement of the blocks allow for such a realistic feature to be recognized on 2D surface. This not only tricks the eyes in that the use of light is essential for these pieces.
The interesting facet to these is how such simple objects can comprise and compose humans in such a simple fashion as if we are simply reduced to humble objects as well. While Yamashita does not offer many details in many of her pieces, I feel as though it adds more to the optical illusion art pieces that continues to bewilder her audiences.
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