Blog 7 - JPL #2 - Olivia Collins
Olivia Collins
November 20, 2019
The second time at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab was different from our first trip. Unlike having a tour of more projects and rooms, we were in a lecture with the A Team. This collaborative team works on the Tree of Life Project that we learned briefly about from out first field trip. We spent predominantly our whole time at JPL in this brainstorming session with the A Team. The Tree of Life Project seemed to only get more confusing for all of us in the end. Julia Christensen lectured again about the premise of the project and then one of the people outside of the project explained the project. This woman’s explanation helped clear some aspects of it up but even this woman seemed confused on a lot of the logistics between the tree and the cubesats.
We then had a question portion where we were all asked to write questions on sticky notes. Many of us had similar questions: Why does a cubesat need to be sent to space if a sound can be made without it? Does the sound have any meaning or is it just sound art? Why should the public care for 200 years? None of these questions were answered, the team appeared that they did not know how to answer some of them. Especially on why the public should care because this was something they turned around on us for answers to. The overall lack of understanding for the Tree of Life is going to be interesting for our projects based on it. For all the things we saw and learned from JPL it is unfortunate we are now limited to just this idea.
Ending the day with the Ops Lab was the best way to come out of the four hour lecture. I have never done any VR or AR before so I was very excited before hand. Sasha showed us the workings of the Rover with headsets where we could see the workings of the machine. The highlight was the next part where we saw the Rover on Mars and was able to see what it would be like to be on the surface.
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